Adrian Savage

Adrian is based in the UK and has been a geek since he was age 7. He's been developing email deliverability software for more than 5 years and loves creating cool new reports and integrations. His passion is helping businesses avoid the spam folder, double their open rates and be heard more by their audiences.


Doing something consistently is one of the most important factors of success in business. But did you know that it’s also vital when it comes to getting more of your emails in front of more of your audience? Scroll down if you want to jump straight to the part about email. Consistency in Business Scott

Consistency Read More »


Nobody likes overwhelm. If, like me, you’re an entrepreneur, getting into a state of overwhelm can be particularly challenging. As someone who’s sensitive at the best of times, overwhelm really gets to me. I start thinking about everything I need to get done. Too much to do and too little time. It leads to confusion and

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The Results Are In!

If you read my last blog, you’ll hopefully know that I was going to conduct a split test to find out whether sending from my old domain was still getting better results than sending from the Deliverability Dashboard domain. So… The Results Are In… But Do They Mean Anything? Well… maybe, maybe not. I’ll let you be

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My Speaker Insight Presentation: How to Get More People Reading Your Emails

In this video, I’m sharing a great summary of the most important things you need to know about email deliverability and getting more of your emails into more of your audience’s inboxes. Many thanks to Helena and Kelly at Speaker Insight for hosting my presentation and sharing it with their audience. I’d strongly recommend you

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What I’ve Learned From Presenting My Email Deliverability Training

This week’s blog is slightly less related to the specifics of email deliverability. Instead I’m going to share my reflections after delivering a lot of training material in a fairly short period of time. The last week or so has been crazy for me, with several one-hour presentations where I’ve been introducing the foundations of

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Keeping Your Email List Clean: Why Prevention is Better Than Cure (Part 2)

Some of the most common questions that I get asked relate to keeping email lists clean, commonly known as list hygiene. In the previous blog post, I explained how list hygiene can impact your sender reputation and explained about the different types of “bad” email addresses that you should avoid sending emails to. In this

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Keeping Your Email List Clean: Why Prevention is Better Than Cure (Part 1)

Some of the most common questions that I get asked relate to keeping email lists clean, commonly known as list hygiene. In this blog post, I’ll explain how list hygiene can impact your sender reputation and I’ll also explain the different types of “bad” email addresses that you should avoid sending emails to. In the

Keeping Your Email List Clean: Why Prevention is Better Than Cure (Part 1) Read More »

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